Welcome to the first day of the Ornament Advent!
Everyday for the next 12 days you'll find a tutorial for an
ornament that can be used on your tree, made into
a garland or tied to the top of a package. I'll also link
to a few books that would make nice stories to go
along with the ornament. I hope you enjoy it!
assortment of wood pieces (Woodsies)
thick glue (like Tacky Glue)
hot glue (optional)
string, wire, etc. for hanging
→ play with the pieces until you get a design you like
(real snowflakes have 6 points)
→ the center needs to have a base to support the other
pieces, don't just wedge the pieces up against
each other
→ use your choice of glues and assemble
your snowflake
→ attach a string or wire for hanging
Book Recommendations:
Millions of Snowflakes