Making these little woven cookie stars are so
much fun and something that all ages can enjoy
at their own level. Of course, I love them as
ornaments but wouldn't they be cute decorating
a package too?! I'm going to make some with
white crochet thread for a more sophisticated
snowflake look. You can even put a bunch
together for a fantastic garland!
A few tips:
Crochet thread is inexpensive and can be found
in the yarn section of a craft store, but, before you
buy any be sure to check your local thrift shop!
I always find crochet thread at the thrift shop
and many times it is completely brand new so
you'll be able to get a nice variety of colors
for very little money.
For the circle I traced around a jar lid.
Cutting corrugated cardboard is hard on your
hands, if you have some heavy duty scissors,
like kitchen shears, I suggest using those.
corrugated cardboard
~ 3¼" circle to trace around
crochet thread or similar
needle to acommodate thread
glue (optional)
bamboo skewer (optional, but very helpful)
Trace your circle onto corrugated cardboard and
cut it out.
Make shallow cuts (~¼") around the edge of the circle.
Start with two cuts opposite each other (1) then make
the next two cuts half-way between the first two cuts (2)
and continue until you have 16 cuts. Or, you can
completely ignore this and cut as many or as few
slots as you like too!
You can cut the thread or work straight from the
ball. If you cut off a section you'll need about 3 yards
to wrap around the cookie three times.
Start the thread in a slot; a knot isn't necessary,
the end of the floss will be buried securely under
the wrapping.
Start wrapping the thread around the cookie. For
a star, continue wrapping the thread in opposite slots.
For rounds 2 and 3, start thread in the same
slot but wrap the opposite thread in one slot
closer to the starting slot. Experiment a bit here
and you'll see how easy it is :)
When you're done, cut the thread leaving
about a 6" tail. Thread your needle and slide
the end under the weaving and snip. Feel free to
add a drop of glue if you feel it needs to
be secured.
Take advantage of the corrugated
cardboard when making your hanging
loop. Using about 8" of thread, thread your
needle and run it through one of the channels
and back up again in the channel next to the
first. That sounds easy ;) but you'll probably
need something like a bamboo skewer to push
the needle through the channels.
All finished and ready to hang or
decorate a package!
I had to include this pretty pair... the weaving on
the right has 19 slots and uses a variegated
pink crochet thread.
Book Recommendations:
Winter's Gift
Bear's First Christmas
The Little Fir Tree