This is a guest post by Wendy telling you about her new online art session called Mighty Girl Art™.
"When will you begin the long journey into yourself?" - Rumi
In ancient times women gathered and elders shared their wisdom, skills and craft with younger generations. When we circle together in this way, we are given an opportunity to discover who we are and who we can become.
In today's world, girls are influenced by the media and a culture that sends harmful and devaluing messages. If we can create more meaningful practices and opportunities for girls to gather, we can enrich their lives (and our own) with creativity, intuition, power and wisdom.
This is why I am offering the Mighty Girl Art Spring- e-session... to bring the gathering to wherever you are. It's tool for self-discovery to be shared as a mother- daughter journey, or with a circle of friends.
We live in a society where a girl's self confidence is challenged daily by an assault of images which suggest that they are somehow not good enough the way they are.
Mighty Girl Art™ empowers young girls to feel good about themselves through a series of projects that fosters creativity and nurtures self-esteem. It is rich with symbolism and evokes a sense of sacredness in the creative process.
Online Spring-e-session: March 24th - April 14th *Registration closes on March 16th.
Please visit Mighty Girl Art™ for more information and to sign-up!