I "chews" you Valentine! :: bubblegum Valentine
Living With Three Moon Babies
I'm hooked on you! :: goldfish Valentine
One Crafty Place
You're naturally sweet! :: fruit leather Valentine
Five and One
Stick around Valentine! :: honey stick Valentine
Five and One
You're tops in my book! :: bookmark Valentine
Thirty Handmade Days
Blow me a kiss Valentine! :: whistle Valentine
At Second Street
Whale you be my Valentine? :: whale Valentine
Katherine Marie
You are the write stuff Valentine! :: pencil Valentine
Thirty Handmade Days
You make my heart glow! :: glow stick Valentine
I'm nuts about you! :: squirrel Valentine
Make It Do
I'd pick you every time! :: flower seed Valentine
One Crafty Place
Let's flip for it! :: coin Valentine
The Mother Huddle
You're out of this world! :: astronaut Valentine
You rock! :: Pop Rocks Valentine
I've got eyes for you! :: googley eye Valentine
The Tiny Funnel
Need more? Here's 20 more wordplay
Valentine card ideas for you to make!