The Weather Watcher's Handbook is a new e-book by Annie
of Alphabet Glue and Bird & Little Bird, and Dawn of Simple
Things Notebook. They are also the authors of the newest
natural science blog for kids, Mud Puddles to Meteors.
The Weather Watcher's Handbook is a PDF download of over
40 pages filled with information about weather science written in
an easy to understand language for kids. Don't make the mistake
of thinking it is over-simplified though, there is enough meat here
to satisfy both the homeschooler and the parent just looking to
enrich their child's science curriculum. You'll learn about the
earth's atmosphere, cloud formations, the water cycle, where
wind comes from, how snowflakes are formed and more. There
are ten different hands-on activities to actively engage kids too.
You can find more information and purchase The
Weather Watcher's Handbook by clicking here.
You should also take a look at Mud Puddles to Meteors where
you will find gorgeous nature photography along with interesting
activities and posts about natural science that kids will love. There
are free printables for nature notebooks and several ways to
contribute too. Annie and Dawn have a palpable passion for
their topic which makes reading both their blog and
The Weather Watcher's Handbook a real treat!