The Crafty Crow began in 2008 and came out of my
need to keep track of all the wonderful children's crafts
I see on the internet. This collective specializes in crafts
found on weblogs of creative people who either have, or
work with, kids. There is an emphasis on projects
inspired by nature, crafts that make use of recyclable
materials and open-ended art meant to bring families
closer together through the creative experience. You will
also find tips, tools, resources, and other ideas sprinkled
in too. To help you in your search for just the right craft
or activity, I've created an extensive category list where
you will find thousands of ideas just waiting to be
enjoyed by you and your children.
My name is Cassi and I began blogging in 2004
at my other blog, Bella Dia. I'm a single mom to three
wonderful children and have been homeschooling for the
last 15 years. I was an education major in college, taught
preschool for many years, have been a Girl Scout troop
leader, camp counselor, and have taught a variety of
crafty classes to many different ages.
Besides The Crafty Crow business, I am a craft
designer and have contributed to multiple craft books
and national magazines. When I have time I like to
make and sell pretty things such as pincushions,
softies, totes, and other gift items.
You can contact me at:
hellocraftycrow(at)gmail(dot)com or click here.
If you have a submission please click here for more
information and if you are interested in advertising
please click here.
If you would like to link to The Crafty Crow (and I would
be forever grateful if you did!) grab the button from the
sidebar. If one of your crafts is featured here, then you
can grab my "Featured On" button here.
Thank you so much for stopping by
and I hope you will be back often!
Welcome to The Crafty Crow!